Your Guide to Professional
Web Site Design and Development

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Web Development
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216 Web Safe Colors
CSS Tutorial
JavaScript Tutorial
ASCII Character Codes


Thursday, March 27, 2025 Your guide to professional web design and development

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Web Development

If you're serious about developing a successful Internet business, taking the time to educate yourself in Web Development, such as Web Site Design, Internet Marketing, Promotion, Copywriting and Search Engine optimization is of the utmost of importance.

Above all else, your first priority must be your web site. If your web site doesn't look professional, all of your marketing and promotional efforts will be useless. Although you may be developing a lot of traffic to your web site, if it is poorly planned and doesn't look professional, you will most likely not make any sales.

If you are not confident in your ability to design a professional web site, it is HIGHLY recommended that you purchase a web site template. A web site template is simply a pre-designed web page that will enable you to add your own text. They're very reasonably priced and will instantly give your site a professional look.

We highly recommend visiting Template Monster to pick up a highly professional looking web site template. It will be well worth the small price, as it will save you a great deal of time and effort.

In addition to developing a professional web site, you will also need to have a professional logo designed. Branding will play an important part in your strategy and can be accomplished by promoting your brand with companies, such as iPrint, Magnetic Signs, etc..

Your strategy will include developing your web site's theme, sales strategy, marketing strategy and promotional strategy. Each web development strategy will play an important role in your success.

The following tutorials will assist you in developing a successful web presence. For additional information, make sure you don't miss Shelley Lowery's article section.

Work at Home

An important part of developing a successful web development strategy is deciding on how you're going to make money.

Ordinary people are making extraordinary money working from home on the Internet. And, you have the opportunity to do just that.

If you're looking for a great opportunity to work at home and earn a substantial income, selecting affiliate programs that pay generous commissions for top quality products that are in high demand is key. However, locating quality affiliate programs can be very difficult.

After a great deal of research, we have developed a list of what we feel are the MOST respected, MOST reliable and highest paying affiliate programs in the world.

More Work from home info

Creating an Ebook

With today's advanced technology, it has never been any easier for anyone to self-publish their own ebook. What's more, you can create and market your own ebook (electronic book) for an unbelievably low price. Once you purchase an ebook compiler and create your ebook, you'll automatically have an entire stock of inventory on hand continuously. In addition, when you begin selling your ebook, you'll pocket nearly 100% of your profits for each sale.

More ebook publishing info

Marketing Strategies

Developing a successful internet marketing strategy is an essential part of your online success. In order to succeed, you must develop and implement a strategic plan that includes all of the following:

- A great product
- A website specifically designed to sell
- A killer marketing strategy

Each step plays an important role in your overall success and must be developed to its fullest potential. If even one step fails, your chances of success will be minimal. This series will assist you in developing your strategies.

More marketing strategies info

Marketing Tools

If you're new to Internet marketing or would like to learn more about some of the basic online tools, such as email marketing, zip files, ebooks, FTP, etc., then this series if for you.

More marketing tools info

Internet Business

Developing a successful Internet business is the ultimate goal of the Internet entrepreneur. However, statistics show that most Internet businesses never make any real money. This series will assist you in developing a successful Internet business.

More internet business info

Professional Web Site

The Internet has opened a whole New World of opportunity for all of us. With the vast amount of information available at your fingertips, it has never been easier to communicate your message to the world.

A web site will enable you to create your own home on the World Wide Web. Your home may be as simple or dynamic as you'd like and is only limited by your imagination. This series will assist you in developing a professional web site.

More professional web site info


A quality web site should contain at least some original content. Sites offering quality content will attract much more traffic than those that are just selling something. Give your visitors a reason to keep coming back. Continually add new content.

In addition to using content to drive repeat traffic to your site, it can also be used to promote your web site products and services. This article will assist you in developing content for your web site.

More content info

Web Site Optimization

Web site optimization is the process of specifically designing your web page to rank high in the Search Engines. If you're serious about your business, optimizing your web pages is a must. This article will assist you in learning how to optimize your web pages.

More web site optimization info

Hosting Your Web Site

Congratulations! After much thought and consideration, you finally took the plunge and decided it was time to have your own web site. That's a great accomplishment in itself. However, now you're left with another daunting task as part your overall web development strategy -- selecting a quality web host.

Selecting a good web host is of the utmost importance. However, with all of the technical mumbo jumbo, knowing what to look for can be very intimidating to say the least. This article will assist you in selecting a quality web host.

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In order to be successful online, whether you have a new web site, product or service, you must continuously promote it, EVERYWHERE. There are many ways you can go about promoting just about anything. In this lesson we will be focusing on both online and offline promotion.

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Internet Website Marketing

The Internet has opened a whole New World of opportunity for even the smallest home-based business owner. There are countless numbers of new self-made millionaires that achieved their newfound success on the Internet. These new millionaires are no different from you and I. They started their Internet businesses from the ground up, found a niche and built their success one day at a time.

If you want to be successful online, your web development plan must include a strong marketing strategy. Learn a variety of powerful Internet marketing techniques used by the top professional online marketers. Creating a successful marketing plan will be the key to your success.

More internet marketing info

Building Your Site

If you're doing business on the internet, one of the most important aspects of your success is your web site. If your web site doesn't look professional, no matter what product you're offering, your chance of success will be minimal. This tutorial will assist you in building your web site.

More web site building info

Announcing Your Site

Now that you've found a home for your new web site, what's next? Now, it's time to tell the world about your new site. You must register your site to be listed in the Search Engines, Directories and Announcement sites. Tips for listing your web site in the Search Engines & Directories.

More web site promotional info

Internet Advertising Campaign

A powerful ad is one of the most important aspects of your success. The secret to a successful ad is your HEADLINE. You only have a split second to grab your targets attention. Your potential customer will most likely scan the ads and only read one if it catches their attention. Write your ads with passion, excitement, and benefits. This article will assist you in your Internet advertising endeavors.

More internet advertising campaign info

Developing Web Site Traffic

So you've designed this great web site, gotten your own domain name, found a great host, listed your site in the Search Engines, etc., but how do you go about getting more traffic? This article will assist you in developing traffic to your web site.

More developing web site traffic info

Web Development Strategies

If you're looking for a wealth of web development information, then this section is for you. A complete list of quality articles, including business / Advertising, Internet Marketing / Promotion, Web Site Design / Web Development, Ezines / Opt-in Lists and Biz Tips.

More development strategies info

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Web Design Mastery
Mastering Web Hosting
eBook Starter

Our Other Sites
Web Design Mastery
Learn How to Make a Web Page
Make My Own Website Guide
Email Newsletter Service
Mastering Web Hosting
eBook Starter
Raging Hearts
Online Forex Trading For Beginners
Beginners Real Estate Investing

Partner Sites

Site Build It!
Web Site Templates

Web Site Design

PC Security
CSS Tutorial
HTML Codes
Web Design Tips
JavaScript Codes
JavaScript Tutorial
Java Applet Tutorial
216 Web Safe Colors
Web Site Development
ASCII Character Codes

Follow Us

Take your time and develop a complete Web Development strategy before you begin. Your strategy should include Web Site Design and Development, Marketing, Advertising and Promotion. Plan your work and then work your plan. It will be well worth your time and effort in the long run.

Web Design Information:

Web Development
HTML Codes
Web Design Tips
Javascript Snippets
216 Safe Colors

Web Design Articles:

Selecting a Quality Domain Name
Selecting the Best Web Design Language for Your Project
Bring Your Web Site to Life With PHP
The Birth of a Professional Web Site (10 part series)
Increase Your Traffic by Recovering Your Lost Visitors
Using HTML Tables to Format Your Web Page
HTML Forms -- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part One - Basic Forms Tutorial
HTML Forms -- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part Two -  Advanced Forms
HTML Forms -- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part Three - Form Tips & Tricks
35 Deadly Web Site Sins that will Kill Your Business!
Selecting A Quality Web Host
Mini-Sites -- Highly Targeted Sales Generators
Spice Up Your Web Site with JavaScript
Use CGI to Automate Your Web Site
Give Your Graphics A Professional Look without the Price
Use JavaScript to Dynamically Update Your Website
10 Website Essentials to Increase Your Sales
Is Your Domain Name A Trademark Infringement?
Steps to Optimizing Your HTML Codes
The Secrets to Building a Successful Website

Web Development Tutorials:

Creating an Ebook
Work at Home Opportunities
Internet Marketing Strategies
Internet Marketing Tools
Developing an Internet Business
Developing a Professional Web Site
Free Content
Webpage Optimization
Hosting Your Site
Internet Marketing
Building Your Site
Listing Your Site
Internet Advertising
Developing Traffic
Web Development Strategies

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