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Using free ebooks and articles to promote your web site, products and services.

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free content

Free Content

A quality web site should contain at least some original content. Sites offering quality content will attract much more traffic than those that are just selling something. Give your visitors a reason to keep coming back. Continually add new content.

In addition to using content to drive repeat traffic to your site, it can also be used to promote your web site products and services.

Free Ebooks

Ebooks or Electronic books are self-contained "executable" files of HTML. This HTML may be a web site you've created or HTML you've specifically prepared to be compiled into a downloadable .exe file for distribution. When downloaded, this file will self install on your clients desktop.

Ebooks are completely interactive with the Internet and can contain live links, graphics, forms, JavaScript, embedded video, can be protected via password/userid, search capabilities and more. This self-contained executable file can be distributed in a number of ways including CD rom, floppy disk, and download.

All ebook compilation software is not created equal. Make sure you review its capabilities before your purchase.

Ebooks can provide the Internet marketer one of the best promotional tools online. With its vast variety of uses, just one quality ebook development and distribution can produce an on going promotional tool that will work 24 hours a day, seven days a week and multiply itself by leaps and bounds. Your ebook can literally be viewed by millions simply by giving it away.

Not only are you providing your visitors with great, free content, but you're also advertising your web site, products and services. It's a WIN-WIN proposition.

Suggested Uses:

  • Marketing - Provide your sales network with your complete sales presentation to freely distribute with their ID to track sales.

  • Promotion - Provide valuable information on a specific subject to bring traffic to your site.

  • Ezine Archives - Ezine publishers can provide their publication archives to enable subscribers to read back issues on their desktop, visit your web site, subscribe, submit ads, etc.

  • Catalogs - Provide a desktop catalog for you customers to view on their desktop. You can even provide a form to accept orders right through your e-book.

  • How To Manuals - Provide your affiliates with a complete "how to" manual for marketing, advertising and promoting your products.

  • Electronic Books - Writers can offer their books in an electronic version.

  • Web Site - Create an electronic version of your web site to place on disk and be viewed on your clients desktop.

  • Instructional - Provide an electronic training manual.

Creating an ebook is just like creating a web site. Simply create your HTML pages just like you would for your web site. Make sure you select a good software package that allows you to include hyperlinks, graphics, search, forms, etc. Keep in mind, the more professional, content rich your ebook, the more exposure it will receive.

Tips for creating your e-book:

  • Create a directory on your computer to include ALL the files for your Ebook. These files will include HTML, graphics, backgrounds, etc.

  • Ebooks should contain mainly text. Try to limit your banners to one per page. To keep your file size down, you may want to use only non-animated banners.

  • Ebooks are generally formatted at a small screen resolution so make sure your pages are viewable through any screen size.

  • Include good navigational links throughout your pages.

  • Use spell check to search for any possible spelling errors.

Selecting a Compiler

Although there are many ebook compilers available on the Internet, please keep in mind, they are just that -- HTML compilers. What this means is that they will only compile files that you've already created within another program, such as an HTML editor. This will involve creating your pages within an HTML editor and then importing your files into an HTML compiler to create your ebook.

However, there is one software program that will enable you to create your entire ebook -- from start to finish and that's eBook Starter.

Massive Distribution

For massive distribution, make sure you include a short paragraph on your main page in regard to your copyrights and distribution. I.E., This Ebook may be freely distributed.

Sample Example of Distribution:

10 of your visitors download your ebook.
Your 10 visitors each give away 10 ebooks - 100
Those 100 each give away 10 ebooks - 1000
Those 1000 each give away 10 ebooks - 10,000
Those 10,000 each give away 10 ebooks - 100,000
Those 100,000 each give away 10 ebooks - 1,000,000

This is just a small example of how powerful your free ebook can be...

For further information on ebooks, read our ebook tutorial.

You can find a variety of free ebooks here.

Writing Articles

If you're looking for a powerful way to get free publicity and build your credibility at the same time, then writing articles may be your answer.

If you've been on the Internet for a while, you've probably subscribed to a few ezines. Many ezine publishers will include an article written by a guest author. At the end of the article are a few lines of text about the author referred to as bylines or resource box. These lines of text are basically just an advertisement for the writer. They usually contain a couple of lines about the author and a web address.

The writer gives the publisher permission to publish their article, free of charge, in exchange for the publisher including the author's bylines.

By writing articles and allowing them to be freely published, your articles will have the potential to be viewed by millions of Internet users. They may be published by several ezines with subscriber bases of a few hundred to several thousand. In addition, they may be displayed in ezine archives or on high traffic websites.

Most ezine publishers prefer short articles between 500 and 750 words. Short "tip" articles of just a couple of paragraphs are also very popular. Articles should be
formatted to 65 characters per line or less, including spaces, and written in short paragraph sections.

When you begin writing your article, avoid using your standard word processing programs, as they do not allow for proper formatting. Instead, use a text editor such as NotePad. It should already be installed on your desktop.

When you begin typing your article, use a hard carriage return (hit enter) when your text reaches 65 characters, including spaces, and leave a space between your paragraphs. This will enable publishers to easily copy and paste your article into their publication. By taking the time to properly format your article, you will increase your chance of being published significantly.

Most publishers receive many article submissions each week and only select a few to be published. Here are some basic guidelines to assist you in getting published:

(1) Make sure you follow the publishers' submission guidelines. Articles submitted to publishers that don't follow the submission guidelines will most likely be deleted.

(2) Make sure your article is properly formatted. Publishers won't take the time to format your article. They'll simply delete it and move on to the next article submission.

(3) Keep your bylines down to 6 lines or less. Publishers will not publish articles that contain excessively long bylines.

(4) Select a descriptive title to intrigue your readers. Use a powerful headline that demands attention and try to keep it all on one line.

(5) Use proper grammar and spelling. Publishers will not take the time to edit your article. Make sure you read your article several times and use spell check.

(6) Avoid articles that are nothing more than a sales letter. Publishers want quality content and will simply delete an article that is written like a sales letter.

(7) Avoid referring readers to an affiliate URL. Articles containing affiliate links may make your article appear to be biased and untrustworthy.

(8) Write your articles with a sincere desire to teach and inform. Talk to your readers and share your expertise.

Once you've written your article, you'll need to develop a list of publishers that may be interested in publishing it. The best way to accomplish this is to display your articles on your website. Place a subscription box on each of your
article pages to enable your visitors to subscribe. This list should be used to send your new articles to your list of publishers.

In addition, you can visit some ezine sites to locate publishers who may be interested in your articles. A good place to start is eZINESearch.

Search through the database for publications that may be interested in the type of article you've written.

Another great way to promote your articles is to submit them to article announcement groups. These groups enable writers to submit their articles to an entire group of publishers, completely free.

Article Announcement Lists:

Article Announce




Articles Archive

Free Content

Make sure you review the submission guidelines prior to
posting your article to an announcement group.

Here are some additional promotional resources to help
you get published:

Writing and distributing free articles on the Internet
will be one of the best promotional decisions you'll
ever make. Not only will it provide you with free
publicity, but if your articles are good, you'll become
a trusted professional in your area of expertise.


The term 'blog' is a combination of two words; weB and LOG. According to Wikipedia, "A blog is a user-generated web site where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order."

Long before the term 'blog' was coined, people were keeping journals online and sharing them with family and friends. Most all of these journals were personal in nature. That was back in the old days of what is now referred to as Web 1.0 ... that is, the web as it existed prior to 2001 when the Dot Com bust happened. After the Dot Com bust, Web 2.0 became the reality of the Internet. When the Dot Com bust happened, there were cries that the sky was falling. But what emerged from that chaos is an Internet that is far, far better.

The Internet is no longer driven by web site owners with static web sites who are in full control of all information and information that flows only one way, but rather by web site users and Internet surfers. Information now flows both ways. Blogs and blogging are a part of the major differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. Blogging has become big business.

It doesn't matter what topic an Internet surfer is interested in, there are multiple blogs on every subject imaginable on the Internet. Some of these sites are still personal in nature, but it really didn't take folks long to discover that there was a great deal of money to be made with blogs.

Blogs are great marketing tools, as Internet users and Search Engines love them. Internet users love blogs because they provide them with a wealth of information. Search Engines love the constantly changing unique content and a lot of incoming links. Blogging will provide you with both.

The quickest and easiest way to get started with your own blog is to visit Google's Blogger site. You can get your blog set up in just a few simple steps.

Once you get your blog set up, the key to using this as a powerful marketing tool is to start posting relevant content and recommendations that will be of interest to your target market. This information should be informative and helpful to your readers. You can then provide recommendations and links to the products and/or services you're promoting.

When you start blogging, you really need to post information on a continual basis, as this will keep your readers coming back again and again.

In addition, you will need to market your blog, just like anything else. Although blogging with Google will definitely help, you will also need to let people know about your blog.

Starting your own blog is the quickest and easiest way to get started online. Not only can you add Google Ads to your blog, but you can also join affiliate programs for products and services that target your audience and make recommendations to your readers. You can begin making money almost immediately, depending on how much traffic you drive to your blog.

Blogging provides Internet marketers with a great way to reach their target market. Use them to your fullest advantage.

Additional Tutorials:

Creating an Ebook
Work at Home Opportunities
Internet Marketing Strategies
Internet Marketing Tools
Developing an Internet Business
Developing a Professional Web Site
Free Content
Webpage Optimization
Hosting Your Site
Internet Marketing
Building Your Site
Listing Your Site
Internet Advertising
Developing Traffic
Web Development Strategies

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