When you begin designing your HTML web pages, you may
find that many HTML courses fall short when it comes to providing you with
special effect HTML tips and HTML codes.
However, there are many special effect HTML codes that will enable you to
enhance your visitors experience tremendously.
When trying to decide what HTML codes to use within your web pages, keep
in mind, if it doesn't enhance your web page, it's probably best to leave
it out, as the more special effects you add to your page, the longer your
page will take to load.
In addition, prior to using any of these HTML tips and codes within your
web pages, you must ensure that the effect you're trying to achieve doesn't
irritate your visitors.
For example, using HTML codes that load web pages within web pages may crash
your visitors browser. In addition, using excessive pop up windows, frames
and placing scrolling text within the status bar can be very irritating and
cause your visitors to leave your web site and never return.
Please ensure you select your special HTML codes very carefully and use them
to assist you in your web design endeavors.
Web Design Mistakes
Pop up messages
Poor load time
Over use of Java
Poor overall appearance
Poor use of HTML tables
Spelling/Grammar mistakes
Poor organization
Inconsistent page design
No contact information
No 'about us' page
No privacy policy
Different backgrounds on each page
Poor content
Poor navigation
Over powering music set to auto play
Broken HTML code links and graphics
Poor browser compatibility
Large slow loading graphics
Too many graphics
Large Welcome banners
Flashing banners
Pages scrolling to oblivion
Multiple colored text
Multiple use of animated graphics
Text difficult to read
Animated bullets
No Meta tags
Too many graphic and/or line dividers
Multiple use of different fonts
Under construction signs
Busy, distracting backgrounds
Scrolling text in the status bar
Multiple banners and buttons
Large scrolling text across the page
Poor use of HTML code frames
Large fonts
Poor use of mouse over effect
When you begin designing your web site, try to keep your main HTML page as
small as possible. For example, instead of trying to cram all your information
into a single web page, consider creating sections for your content. These
sections can contain highlights of your content with a link to further
information. You can set up your content sections in HTML tables with colored
heading sections for information, such as articles, products or whatever
you'd like.
To keep your main HTML page smaller, it is much better
to keep it down to the most essential elements. You can then use links to
additional pages to provide the detailed information. A good rule of thumb
is Less is More.
To enhance your web page, you can format your text using bold headlines,
colored HTML table cells, and graphic bullets and/or arrows.
If you use the same graphic bullets and arrows throughout your page, you
can enhance your page's appearance, but you won't add any additional time
to your web page load time. When you reuse an image, your image only has
to load once. When the image has loaded, it will instantly be displayed in
all of the other locations.
If you're looking for some HTML codes and tips to spice up your web site,
you've come to the right place. You will find a variety of HTML
tips and codes below. Simply click on the links and copy and paste the codes into your
web page according to the instructions.
Note: All of the HTML tips, codes and tutorials are by Shelley Lowery. For additional tutorials to assist
you in web design and much more, click
here to sign up for our free membership club. You
will instantly receive a wealth of quality information, such as dozens of
video tutorials, several informative ebooks, utilities to assist you in creating
buttons, tables, meta tags, and more. Best of all, it's completely free. |
Would you
like to learn how to design your own web site?
Whether you are a complete beginner or have some web site design experience,
this web design course will teach you how to plan, design, build and market
your own web site
If you like these codes, you'll love Web Design Mastery. Get these codes
and many more.
"I have learned more from this web design course than
I did from a course I took in college!" - Joseph Seeles
Web Design Information:
Web Design
Safe Colors
Web Design Articles:
a Quality Domain Name
the Best Web Design Language for Your Project
Bring Your Web
Site to Life With PHP
Birth of a Professional Web Site (10 part series)
Your Traffic by Recovering Your Lost Visitors
HTML Tables to Format Your Web Page
HTML Forms
-- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part One - Basic Forms Tutorial
HTML Forms
-- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part Two - Advanced Forms
HTML Forms
-- Back to the Basics and Beyond Part Three - Form Tips & Tricks
35 Deadly
Web Site Sins that will Kill Your Business!
A Quality Web Host
-- Highly Targeted Sales Generators
Spice Up
Your Web Site with JavaScript
CGI to Automate Your Web Site
Your Graphics A Professional Look without the Price
JavaScript to Dynamically Update Your Website
Website Essentials to Increase Your Sales
Is Your
Domain Name A Trademark Infringement?
Steps to
Optimizing Your HTML Codes
Secrets to Building a Successful Website
If you've found these HTML tips and HTML codes helpful
and would like to
submit your
own HTML codes to be included on our site, simply
send us an
email with
a complete description of what the HTML code does,
the actual code and the name and web address you would like to include. If
selected, your HTML code will be placed on our
site, as well as your credits and a link to your web site.
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