Open a Web Page in a New Window
If you're
linking to other web sites within your web pages, you certainly don't want
to just give your visitors away. For this reason, it is highly recommended
that you open links to other web sites within in new window.
This will enable your web page to stay open within a window, even if your
visitor clicks on an outside link, and prevent you from completely losing
your visitors.
The following HTML code will enable you to open a web page in a new
TARGET="_blank">Your Text</a> |
Edit the text
in red and add TARGET="_blank" to your link code.
Open all links in a new window
If you're linking to a lot of other web sites within your web page and would
like to open all of your links in a new window, this HTML code is for you.
The following HTML code will enable you to open all of your links in a new
window. Place this code between your <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags
within your HTML:
your HTML code snippets. We'll credit you and give you a link to your