You can create
your own escape from from HTML hyperlink within your web page.
If you've ever discovered that someone has linked to your web site within
a frame, which means your site is stuck in their frame with their information
displaying within another frame, you know how frustrating this can be. You
want your visitors to visit your web site within their standard browser window
- not within another web site's frame. However, there is a way you can enable
your visitors to escape. The following HTML tip will assist you.
If your web site
gets trapped within someone else's frames, you can create a link to help
them escape. You simply create a link to your own web site at the bottom
of your web page. However, the key is to place TARGET="_top" within your
link code. This will display your web site in its own window and not someone
else's frame.
TARGET="_top"></A> |
Change the text
indicated in red to your web address.
Although the number of web sites designed in frames has decreased over the
years, it may still be worth your time to add an escape from frame HTML hyperlink
to your web page.