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Internet Web Site Marketing / Internet Marketing Online / Internet Marketing Guide

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internet web site marketing, internet marketing online, internet marketing guide
internet web site marketing, internet marketing online, internet marketing guide

Internet Web Site Marketing

Before I begin this basic Internet Marketing tutorial, I would like to give you some of the best advice I'll ever offer at

If you're serious about truly achieving your Internet Marketing goals and you have a sincere desire to learn the best marketing techniques ever revealed, then listen to what I'm about to tell you.

Don't reinvent the wheel. By following in the footsteps of someone who has already achieved financial success, you'll not only save yourself a lot of time, but you'll have a complete road map to success. All you'll have to do is follow it.

Derek Gehl is one of the BEST Internet marketers online today. He has many very successful online businesses. In fact, he makes millions online each year. He specializes in very unique and powerful Internet marketing ideas and techniques.

If you are considering starting a business on the Internet or already own one, you'll want to visit his web site... Derek really knows what he's talking about. He gets over 6 million visitors every year, does over 5.2 million dollars in sales online every year (yes that's $5,200,000), and personally made hundreds of thousands of dollars from his online business... all from his one small office. He has made a fortune online and he has a web site that REVEALS all his tips, tricks and techniques for starting a business on the Internet and making a fortune.

He discusses everything you ever wanted to know about starting a business online... or if you already have a business online, he reveals exactly how to promote it and make a fortune on the Internet.

Visit his site:

Check it out, there is a lot of information, tips and techniques. You will be very impressed, as this guy is a "real" example of someone who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars on the Internet... so listen to what he has to say carefully, he knows what he's talking about (one of the very few on the Internet!).

The Key Ingredients for Internet Success

The Internet has opened a whole New World of opportunity for even the smallest home-based business owner. There are countless numbers of new self-made millionaires that achieved their newfound success on the Internet. These new millionaires are no different from you and I. They started their Internet businesses from the ground up, found a niche and built their success one day at a time.

“Can I really make money on the Internet?” The fact of the matter is that you really can make money on the Internet --a lot of money. You simply must take the necessary steps to make it happen. You must have a sincere desire to succeed and the attitude for success.

If you are sincerely passionate about your success, you will succeed -- it's that simple.

The true secret to creating a successful Internet business, is pure determination. Most people fail just at the moment they are about to succeed. Why? -- Because they give up. They lack the true passion that it takes to succeed. As long as you keep trying, you'll never fail.

Below, is list of what I feel are the most important ingredients for Internet success:

Sincere Passion

In order to be successful, you must be completely passionate about your business and your success. If you don't have a "sincere" passion, you won't have the necessary personal drive that it takes to succeed.

Your Own Domain (

Businesses hosted on a free server are not taken seriously and are generally considered to be unprofessional. If a company doesn't care enough about its business to get its own domain name, potential customers may not feel comfortable doing business with them. A company with its own domain name and a professional looking website will have a much higher rate of success when compared with most business sites hosted on free servers.

Professional Website

Your website is a direct reflection of you and your business. Creating a professional website designed to sell will take a great deal of time and effort, as there is much more to take into consideration than design. You must look
at a much broader picture and specifically design your website to sell.

Quality Content

In order to create a steady stream of traffic to your website, you must give your visitors a reason to visit and continue to visit in the future. You must provide your visitors with fresh content on a continual basis.

Targeted Traffic

No matter how great your website is, unless you're receiving quality, targeted traffic, it will be useless. Your website may receive hundreds of visitors each day. However, if they aren't interested in the products or services you're
offering, your web traffic won't mean a thing. You must drive a continuous stream of targeted traffic to your website.

Opt-in List (Ezine)

Having your own publication is an absolute essential part of your success. They not only provide you with a direct line of communication with potential customers and enable you to promote your products or services, but they also build credibility.

Your Own In-Demand Product

Although marketing affiliate programs can provide you with a nice income, true Internet profits come from marketing your own in-demand product.

Killer Sales Copy

Your words are the entire foundation of your business. Your product, website and marketing strategies all depend upon your words. You must learn how to write persuasive words specifically written for your targeted customer. You must feel your customers needs and write your copy with passion, excitement and benefit.

Killer Marketing Strategy

Developing a successful marketing strategy is an essential part of your online success. In order to succeed, you must develop and implement a strategic plan that includes all of the following:

- A great product
- A website specifically designed to sell
- A killer marketing strategy

Each step plays an important role in your overall strategy and must be developed to its fullest potential. If even one step fails, your chances of success will be minimal.

Instant Product Delivery (downloadable, instant access, etc.)

Internet users are starving for information, as that is what the Internet is all about. They have a sincere desire to learn and want the information they desire right now.

The best products to sell on the Internet are those that can be instantly delivered over the Internet.

Accept Credit Cards

If you're doing business on the Internet, accepting credit cards is an absolute must. You must provide your visitors with an easy online ordering process and the ability to pay for their order right online.


As an Internet entrepreneur, it is your personal responsibility to ensure that your visitors feel very comfortable with you and your website. In order to gain your visitors' trust and confidence, you must build your credibility.

Your attitude is the MOST important factor in determining your success. You MUST think positively and be willing to tackle any obstacle that comes along. The fact is, you CAN do whatever you put your mind to. You simply have to believe you can and believe in yourself above all else.

Internet Web Site Marketing Strategies

Developing a successful Internet marketing strategy is the key to your online success. Your strategy not only involves your marketing and promotional efforts, but your web site will also play an important role.

You must develop and implement both short-term and long-term marketing strategies to bring a continuous flow of targeted traffic to your web site.

Developing a powerful strategy is a very important part of your success. However, unless your web site is specifically designed to sell, your efforts will be useless. You must look at the entire picture before you begin.

Short-term marketing strategies will provide you with a temporary increase in traffic and must not be solely relied upon. Your short-term strategies may include: purchasing advertising, participating in targeted forums, search engine marketing, etc.

Long-term marketing strategies will provide you with a steady stream of traffic, which will continue over time - even years later. Your long-term strategies may include: building an opt-in list, blogging, social networking sites, social bookmarking sites, giving away branded items, such as software, writing and distributing content, such as articles, etc.

Short-term marketing strategies include:

Purchasing Advertising

This form of short-term marketing includes Pay-Per-Click (Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, etc.), ezine advertising, and banner advertising. Although it is important to occasionally purchase advertising, it is short-term and will produce short-term results.

Participating in Forums

Although sharing your expertise at popular
forums can provide you with a boost in traffic, it is a temporary boost. It will not continue to produce results. Most forums only display a certain number of posts and the rest are archived.

Search Engine Marketing

Optimizing your web pages for the Search Engines should be an important part of your marketing strategy. However, obtaining a high ranking in the Search Engines is a never-ending battle. You may have a top ten ranking one day and the next day your site may disappear. It is very important to submit your web site to the Search Engines, but trying to keep a top ten ranking is very time consuming -- your efforts may be better spent on more effective marketing techniques.

In order to create a steady stream of targeted traffic to your web site, you must also market for the future. Long-term marketing techniques are those that will continue to produce results even years down the road.

Long-term marketing strategies include:

Opt-in lists

Ask for your visitors' name and email address. In return, provide them with a valuable publication, a free course or some other valuable information. By continuously building your opt-in lists, you're creating a long-term database of potential customers.

Squeeze pages provide a great way to build your opt-in list quickly.


Give away something of value engraved with your name, business, product or service. Your freebie might be software you've created, a free ebook, or even a free course. The key to creating a long-term marketing freebie is to allow it to be freely distributed. If your freebie is good, it will quickly saturate the Internet and continue to circulate eternally.


Blogs are great marketing tools, as Internet users and Search Engines love them. Internet users love blogs because they provide them with a wealth of information. Search Engines love the constantly changing unique content and a lot of incoming links. Blogging will provide you with both.

Social Networking

Although you can't advertise on these sites, you can create a profile and include a link to your web site. This will provide a great way to not only increase your ranking in the Search Engines, but also drive traffic to your web site.

Social Bookmarking

Those who own web sites use social bookmarking to get more traffic to their sites. Each time they add new content, they send another bookmark for that specific page. This results in 'fast traffic' for many, depending on the popularity of the topic.


Provide the Internet community with free content. Content comes in a variety of forms such as articles, tutorials, tips, reports or whatever you'd like. Allow your content to be freely published in ezines and web sites. Content is a highly sought after commodity and can provide you with a great deal of free exposure for years to come.

A solid Internet marketing plan will include everything from your ad to your thank you and follow-up letters. Each process in your plan must perform a specific task.

1. Your short-term marketing strategies will drive traffic to your web site in intervals. Each time you place an ad, your traffic will increase. After a few days, your traffic will drop off.

2. Your long-term marketing strategies will drive a steady stream of traffic to your web site. Your traffic will continue to increase over time.

3. Your ad must draw your potential customer's attention and create curiosity. It must lead them to click through to your web site.

4. Your web site will then take over and provide further information, while leading your potential customer to your order page.

5. Your order page will be packed with all of the benefits your product has to offer and call for action.

6. Your marketing plan will continue to be implemented by closing the sale with a thank you letter.

7. Your final step will be to send follow-up messages in the future to provide good customer service and introduce new products.

A marketing plan is an absolute must. If you have no direction, you'll travel in circles and ultimately never reach your goals. Plan your work then work your plan. You may be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Internet Marketing Articles

Using Social Bookmarking Sites to Drive Traffic to Your Site
If you're looking for new ways to drive traffic to your web site, using social bookmarking sites may be your answer.

Social bookmarking is a system or network where members of the network are able to list or bookmark web sites that they like for various reasons. The members list is accessible by other members of the network. In addition, lists of sites can be created 'on the fly' by typing in keywords, known as tags in the world of social bookmarking. They may also find lists of sites based on categories, topics, or even random selections.

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Using Social Networking Sites to Drive Traffic to Your Site
Social networking sites seem to be the biggest thing on the Internet right now, and there are no signs that this will change anytime in the near - or far - future. The fact is that social networking sites, such as MySpace, FaceBook, and others, have given people the opportunity to express themselves, meet new people, and communicate effectively, and nobody is going to give that up.
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Yahoo! Search Marketing: A Guide to Sponsored Search
If you are interested in pay-per-click search engine marketing, you definitely need to consider Yahoo! Search Marketing. Yahoo! Search Marketing makes it easy for advertisers to connect you with customers who are searching for what you are selling.
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Pop-Under Windows - The Latest Pop-Window Trend

Although there has been a great deal of controversy over the use of pop-up windows, the fact remains; pop-up windows are highly effective. The latest pop-window trend to hit the Internet is the pop-under window. Pop-under windows are less intrusive than the pop-up windows and are believed to be even more effective.
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Write for Publicity
Writing Internet articles is one of the best forms of gaining free publicity. This article provides a basic formatting guide, tips on getting published and promoting your articles.
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Internet Marketing Strategies -- Three Step Formula
Part one of ten
Developing a successful marketing strategy is an essential part of your online success. In order to succeed, you must develop and implement a strategic plan. If you use this three step formula and excel at all three, you can literally guarantee your success.
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Cross Promoting With Recommendations
Cross promoting is a powerful technique used by many Internet marketers to increase the exposure of their products, services or publications. This article provides several cross promotional techniques to assist you in setting up an exchange.
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Autoresponder Courses: The Automated Marketing Tool
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Autoresponders: Put Your Business On Autopilot
An explanation of autoresponders, how they work, how you can put them to work for your business and some tips and tricks on keycoding your ads.
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Additional Tutorials:

Creating an Ebook
Work at Home Opportunities
Internet Marketing Strategies
Internet Marketing Tools
Developing an Internet Business
Developing a Professional Web Site
Free Content
Webpage Optimization
Hosting Your Site
Internet Marketing
Building Your Site
Listing Your Site
Internet Advertising
Developing Traffic
Web Development Strategies

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