If you're doing business on the
Internet, one of the most important aspects of your success is your web site.
A well designed web site offering fresh, continuously updated content is
one of the best ways to ensure that your visitors will return again and
One of the best and most sought after forms of content is information. Not
only is information the number one seller on the Internet, but information
is what the Internet is all about. Internet users have a sincere desire to
learn and will search for the information they desire.
You can use this to your advantage. Provide your visitors with professionally
written articles that teach and inform. There are hundreds of writers on
the Internet that will allow you to publish their articles on your web site
completely free of charge.
Locating quality articles that are available for publication and turning
them into HTML to publish on your web site each week involves a great deal
of time and effort. That's why we've created "the Syndicator."
The Syndicator is a unique service that provides you with free web site content
and enables webmasters to publish complete articles and/or just headlines
on their web site. These articles were written by some of the top online
professionals and are automatically updated each week. What better way to
provide your visitors with fresh, weekly content? Best of all, it's FREE!
In addition to displaying complete articles on your web site, you can create
a page for your articles to display and also display a corresponding headline
on your main page that automatically updates and links to YOUR article.
Current headlines linked to our current article feeds:
Follow these two simple steps and you can immediately begin displaying articles
on your web site.
NOTE: The Syndicator does not support users of Internet Explorer 3.x and
below, Netscape Navigator 3.x and below and WebTV users. You must have a
JavaScript enabled browser.
Fill out a short form
Copy & paste your selected
code(s) into the HTML of your web page
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