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Ezine Publishing: Email List Building and Management

Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Ezine Publishing: Email List Building and Management

An ezine, also known as an opt in list or email list, is a list or database containing email addresses of individuals who have chosen to receive your email messages. Your messages may be web site updates, product updates or an ezine. They provide you with a direct line of communication with potential customers and enable you to promote your products or services.

In order for you to start collecting email addresses, you'll first need to set up a list management system that will enable your visitors to submit their information, automatically subscribe them to your list and enable you to send out messages.

Before we go any further, I want to make sure that you understand that this article pertains to "Opt-In" lists. Not Spam. Under no circumstance should you ever add anyone to your list without their knowledge.

Collecting Email Addresses

Your first step in setting up your system will be to get a good form processing script. This script will be used to enable your subscriber to submit their information via a form and send the information to a specified address.

The best form I have found is called, Master Form. This form will enable you to have the results emailed to you or to a specified address, can write your information to a database file and even have a personalized thank you page. In addition, you can even have multi-page forms with no limit on the number of pages. This script costs $35 and can be found here:

Whatever form you select, make sure that it will allow you to use email templates, as you will need each subscription request to contain certain words in the subject for processing. Email form templates will enable the email messages sent to your subscription address to contain any information you'd like.

After you've gotten your form set up, you'll need to set up a pop email account on your server just for your list(s). You can name it "lists" or whatever you'd like. In addition, you will need to create two email aliases for subscription requests. Example, and

Setting up a database

Your next step will be to set up a database to enable you to store your subscriber's information, process subscription requests and email your subscribers. I use a great program called Group Mail by Aureate. This program will process the information from your form, process your subscription requests, store your subscribers information in a database and enable you to send personalized email messages. You can find it here:

Once you've gotten Group Mail, your next step will be to create your mailing list. Simply follow the instructions provided. After you've set up your new list, click on "Plug Ins" then on "Subscribers." You'll now have to set up your subscription filters to enable the program to process your subscription requests.

Now that you have your system set up and ready to collect email addresses, you'll need to place a form on your web site. Create two input fields for your form; one for your subscribers name and another one for their email address.

Your new system will take some time to set up, but it will work for you continuously. It will take care of all of your subscription requests and undeliverables and will store your subscriber's information in a database for easy access. In addition, you'll be able to send personalized messages with any of the following:

first name
last name
user name
email address
four additional customizable fields

List Management Services

If you'd rather not set up your own system, you may want to use a list management service:


An advanced list management system that will enable you to not only personalize your messages, but it will also enable you to send autoresponse messages and send an unlimited number of follow-ups.


AWeber provides an outstanding list management / autoresponder system that will enable you to take complete control over your email  and autoresponder marketing campaigns. This professional list management service provides you with all of the following:

Send HTML or text messages
Subscriber signup via email or web form
Easily import and export opt-in subscriber lists
Automatic removal links within each message
Unlimited message length
Completely personalize your messages
Advanced autoresponders with six follow-up messages
Statistics and graphs

Mailing List Scripts

If you'd rather handle your own lists, you may want to use a script you can install on your own web server.

1-2-All Broadcast

A complete list management system including HTML or plain text newsletters, MySQL database, personalization features, automatic removal links and more.

AutoResponse Plus:

Complete list management including unlimited lists, HTML or plain text mailings, MySQL database, customizable auto-personalization of messages, automatic removal links, unlimited follow-up autoresponses and more.

Now, you're ready to begin collecting your visitors email addresses and start building your targeted list of potential customers.

Building Your Subscriber Base

There are many powerful ways to build your subscriber base however, we'll only focus on a few of the best ways.

• Place your subscription information in your signature
• Place a sign-up box on every page of your web site
• Offer a free gift just for subscribing
• Write articles and include your subscription information within your bylines
• Create and distribute free ebooks with your subscription form on each page
• Provide a free service and require those using your service to agree to receive your publication
• Create a member's only site with special resources, content or downloads for subscribers only
• Create a contest and submit your contest to all of the free giveaway sites. Place your subscription information on your contest page

If you're not collecting your visitor's email addresses, don't wait another day to start. Opt-in lists are one of the most powerful marketing tools on the Internet.

Copyright © Shelley Lowery

About the Author:

Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, Web Design Mastery. And, Ebook Starter - Give Your Ebooks the look and feel of a REAL book. Visit to sign up for a complimentary subscription to Etips and receive a copy of the acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies."

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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