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Reload a Window With a Link

Would you like to enable your visitors to reload a window with a link? This JavaScript code may be what you're looking for.

You can enable your visitors to click on, what looks like, a standard HTML link to reload your web page using JavaScript:

Reload Window
Click the above link to reload this window

This 'reload a window with a link' code has a variety of uses, such as reloading your page to view changes. For example, if you're using a script that rotates content, you may want your visitors to reload your web page by clicking on a link to view new tips, new images, new articles or whatever you'd like.

Copy and paste the following JavaScript code into your HTML where you would like the link to appear:

<a href="javascript: window.location.reload()">Reload Window</a>

Submit your JavaScript code snippets. We'll credit you and give you a link to your website.