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Thursday, March 27, 2025

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Spice Up Your Web Site with JavaScript

JavaScript is a scripting language designed for use within a web page and/or on a web server. It is used to create special effects within a web page. Elements such as links, images and forms can be manipulated using this powerful technology.

Unlike CGI scripts, JavaScript can be placed directly into your HTML code. It can also reside on your server and be called from a small code within your web page.

This powerful scripting language can be used to create special effects on your web page such as link effects, mouseovers, image roll overs, navigational systems and much more.

Here are a few great scripts to get you started:

Navigation Bar
This script is actually a combination of JavaScript and HTML better known as DHTML. It will enable you to have a mouseover navigational menu at the top of your web page. When you place your mouse over the main menu, a drop down menu will appear. As you move your mouse over the drop down menu, each selection is highlighted. This navigation menu is very similar to the menu used at

Dynamic Splash Screen
If you've ever wanted to set up a splash screen for your web page, Dynamic Splash Screen will do just that. Splash pages can be used to tell your visitors a little bit about your site or whatever you'd like. The great thing about this script is that it is constructed using a single page. Once the splash messages have been completed, the script will navigate to the URL of your choice. It also includes a link on the splash page that says, "Skip Intro." Nice effect.

Pausing Up and Down Menu Scroller
This nice little script will enable you to have linked text that scrolls upwards and will pause between each message. You can choose to include a background image and customize the background color and box size. This script provides a nice way to announce new additions to your site or whatever you'd like.

Create mouseover popup boxes for your text links. This great script can be used to include information about the links, tips or whatever you'd like. It can create simple mouseover popup boxes or can even create a popup box that will stay open until the user wants to close it. The boxes can also be displayed with or without a caption and colors can be customized. This is a great little script.

Source Code Protector
Although this script won't completely protect your page content, it will deter those wanting to steal your code. When you right click on your mouse, an alert box will appear. You can include a message of your choice.

Banner Rotator
This simple little script will enable you to rotate banners on your web page. You simply add your banner information to the code and place this script within your web page where you'd like your banners to display. Each time your page loads, a new banner will be displayed. Great little script.

Daily Tip
This script will enable you to display a daily tip on your web site. You can program it with tips for the entire month and they will automatically display each day.

FairWell Window Launcher
Although popup windows can be irritating, this script is a little different. It will launch a new window when your visitor leaves your site. What's great about this script is that it will only appear the first time someone visits your web site. If you offer your visitors a free publication, try placing your subscription information within this new window. This provides a great way to increase subscriptions to your publication.

Locating JavaScripts:

Locating DHTML Scripts:

Learn more about JavaScript:

Although JavaScript can certainly help you spice up your web site, there are many scripts that your visitors may find irritating. Try to avoid scripts such as mouse trailers, mouseover sounds, mouseover pop up windows and mouseover redirects. Carefully select scripts that will enhance your visitors experience and encourage them to return in the future.

Copyright © Shelley Lowery

About the Author:

Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, Web Design Mastery. And, Ebook Starter - Give Your Ebooks the look and feel of a REAL book. Visit to sign up for a complimentary subscription to Etips and receive a copy of the acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies."

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

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